Friday, August 31, 2007

Ways To Amplify Your Orders

Hi Everybody,

1. Think of ways to get your site or business on the the news. You could sponsor a fundraiser, break a world record, hold a major event, etc.

2. Hold a contest on your web site. Give other web sites the option of offering it to their visitors. This'll multiply your advertising all over the internet.

3. Tell your potential customers that your ordering system is highly secure. Also, reassure them that you take every effort to protect them.

4. Carry business cards with you wherever you go. Have your web address printed on them. You can hand them out to anyone you meet.

5. Contact national radio stations to ask them if they are looking for guest speakers. Tell them your area of expertise; maybe they'll book you for a show.

6. Join clubs related to your area of business. You could trade leads with other businesses. Learn new ways to run your business and sell your products.

7. Think of a domain name for your web site that's easy to remember. If you can't find a good one left, use your actual birth name.

8. Position your web site at the top of pay-per-click search engines. You will only pay your set amount for each click through you get to your web site.

9. Allow your visitors or customers to increase your traffic or sales. Ask them how you can improve your business, web site or product.

10. Team-up with other e-zines that have the same target audience. Combine subscriber bases and then publish one e-zine together to increase subscribers.

Quote of the Day: "Nurture your minds with great thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes." -- Benjamin Disraeli

Warm regards,

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ways Outsourcing Can Help Grow Your Business

Hi Everybody,

Outsourcing is when you hire outside professionals or services to take on part of your business workload. You may want to outsource part of your work because you don't have the room, you need an expert, you have periodic busy periods, or you need more production to get orders out on time, etc. The following are ways outsourcing can save your business time and money.

1. You won't have to take the time to train employees. This will allow you to spend more time working on your marketing and advertising campaign.

2. You won't have to do time consuming tasks like adding on new equipment or learning new software to complete certain tasks. This will allow you to spend more time testing your advertisements.

3. You won't have to interview employee candidates. This will allow you to spend more time improving your customer service, in return you will get more repeat purchases.

4. You won't have to fill out all the employee paper work like tax forms, scheduling, retirement plans, etc. This will allow you to spend more time developing new products.

5. You won't have to buy extra office or work space to complete certain tasks. You can use all the money you save on other business expenses.

6. You won't have spend money on employee costs like taxes, medical, vacation time, holidays, workers comp., unemployment costs, etc. (These may vary depending on
which country you do business in.)

7. You can speed up you order and delivery system with the extra help. Your customers will appreciate the fast service and you'll have a higher chance that they will buy from you again.

8. You could expand your market share by becoming a middleman and offering your subcontractors products or services. This will increase your business profits and give you multiple income streams.

9. You can take on extra or large orders your business couldn't handle before. This will expand your market share and you could also offer to take the work your competition can't handle.

10. You could get end up receiving orders from your subcontractors. Your subcontractors may also tell other people about your business.

Quote of the Day: "I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable
ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor." -- Henry David Thoreau

Warm regards,

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Upsell Strategies That Will Increase Your Profits & Customers

Hi Everybody,

As you know it can be very expensive to attract new customers. You can cut down on those expenses by "upselling" to those new customers. For example, let's say you're selling a computer with a 15" monitor for $1250. You tell people they can upgrade to a 17"
monitor for only $150 more. That's upselling! Your goal is to get more money out of the first sale. Below are ten upselling strategies you can use to increase your profits.

1. Deluxe Upsell-You could sell a basic product and tell people for a little more money they can receive the deluxe edition.

2. Money Upsell-You could offer people the rights to sell the product they are buying from your business. You could charge an extra $25 dollars to get the reproduction rights.

3. Discount Upsell-If you're selling a product people may order again in the future like shave gel, you could offer them a second can of shave gel at a discount.

4. Time Upsell-If you're selling a product or service people subscribe to, like a magazine, you could tell them if they subscribe for two years instead of one, they can receive it half off the cover price.

5. Quantity Upsell-This is similar to the discount upsell. The only difference is you increase the discount by how many products they order. If they order 3 it's a 10% discount, if they order 5 it's a 15% discount.

6. Package Upsell-When you're selling a product you could offer similar products in a package deal. Tell the people the other products are cheaper with the package deal versus purchasing them separately.

7. Affiliate Upsell-When you're selling a product you could offer someone else's product as an upsell. You would have to make a commission on the product in order to profit.

8. Free Upsell-You could offer a free sample or trial of your product (your first sale would be free) and then tell people if they order the full version right now they will get a discount.

9. Extra Upsell-There are many things you could charge extra for at the time of sale. It could be gift wrapping, imprinting, custom designs, etc.

10. Extended Upsell-If your product comes with a warranty, you could ask people if they would like to extend the warranty one more year for only $35.

In conclusion, you can use one or all these strategies to increase your profits at the point of sale. Don't be afraid to use your imagination to come up with other upsell strategies.

Quote of the Day: "Knowledge is more than equivalent to force." -- Samuel Johnson

Warm regards,

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ways To Intensify Your Sales

Hi Everybody,

1. Team-up with your weaker competitors to beat your stronger competitors. You can create win/win joint venture and cross promotion deals with them.

2. Design your site so it will be worth bookmarking. Your visitors will bookmark your web site if it's full of free original content like articles, ebooks, etc.

3. Offer your customers back-end products. It is easier to sell to existing customers. If you do not have a back-end product, join an affiliate program.

4. Increase the perceived value of your product. You could offer an affiliate program, give away free bonuses or use famous endorsements on your ad.

5. Remind your visitors to promote your web site. Use phrases like; "Refer This Our Web Site To A Friend" or "Link To Our Web Site".

6. Make your testimonials more powerful. You can include pictures, hand written signatures and contact information with each testimonial.

7. Up-sell to all your customers. You could sell add-on products, deluxe products, extra parts, related products, add-on services, etc.

8. Place your ad in targeted e-zines. Ask the owner if you could place your ad in a higher position in exchange for a percentage of the ad's profits.

9. Use permission marketing to increase your sales. You simply ask people to sign-up to your e-mailing list. They'll already be interested in messages or ads.

10. Provide a privacy statement and all your contact information on every page of your web site. This'll persuade your visitors and prospects to trust you.

Quote of the Day: "In every man there is something wherein I may learn of him, and in that I am his pupil." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Warm regards,

Friday, August 10, 2007

Things You Should Know Before You Bid On A Business Product From An Online Auction

Hi Everybody,

1. Know the value of the product before you bid. If the product is brand new, check to see what price retailers are charging for it. If the product is used or reconditioned, you will want to pay way less than the retail value.

2. If the product's description or picture isn't detailed enough for you, contact the merchant to get more information before you bid. You don't want to take a chance to waste your hard earned money.

3. Know the highest price you will bid for the product and stick with it. Don't get caught up in a bidding war; you may end up paying more than the product's worth.Don't forget to add in the shipping price with your bid.

4. Visit a few online auctions before bidding because some merchants auction the same product in many auctions. You usually can purchase the product for a lower price in a unpopular auction because there are less bidders.

5. Know the time the auction begins and ends. You also want to know how long it will take to ship. If you need the product by a certain date, you'll want to estimate the time it will take to receive it.

6. Know the payment options the merchant accepts before you bid on their product. If they only accept checks or money orders, it may take even longer to get the product because the payment has to clear. If they accept credit cards make sure they have a secure server.

7. Know if the merchant offers a warranty or money back guarantee or before bidding on a product. You don't want to get stuck with a product that does not work or you're not satisfied with.

8. Online auctions will, sometimes, allow you to check the merchants history with their auction. Check to see if people have complained about the their products or business practices before you decide to bid.

9. It's important to place a bid early in the auction to show other bidders you are interested in the product. If someone does out bid you, don't be afraid to out bid them. Remember not to go over your maximum bid price.

10. Another reason to know when the auction ends; you can place a last minute bid. The other bidders may not be keeping track of when the auction ends or may not have the time to bid again.

Quote of the Day: "There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power that resides in him is new in Nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Warm regards,

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Strategic Ways To Maximize Your Profits

Hi Everybody,

1. Tell people the point or focus of your web site. Explain to them what things they can do or which goals they can accomplish while visiting your site.

2. Make your visitors feel comfortable at your website. Give them your main business address, your visitors may not trust you if you're using a P.O. box.

3. Include a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on your web site or via e-mail on an auto responder. This will give your customers an extra convenience without having to contact you.

4. Buy advertising space on discussion board websites. They are usually arranged by subject; that makes them highly targeted.

5. Start a free e-mail newsletter to create your own opt in list. Create a title that grabs readers attention.Submit it to free e-zine directories on the internet.

6. Record all your new promotion ideas into an idea journal, good or bad. Sometimes you can combine ideas to create new ones to increase your sales.

7. Convert your web site and free e-mail news letter into different languages. This will increase your over-all target market.

8. Make your classified ads stand out in a crowd. Use all capitol letters in the headline, divide letterswith extra spaces, add in text symbols, etc.

9. Remember your customer is always right, evenif they are not. Resolve all conflicts quickly andpainlessly. They are the lifeblood of your business.

10. Create a bond with your visitors by bringing uplikes or dislikes you have in common with them inyour ad copy. Just make sure you do your research.

Quote of the Day: "There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." -- Proverbs

Warm regards,
